The side-hustle. Why I am starting to write on Medium.

2 min readJan 1, 2021


Photo by Florian Klauer on Unsplash

This writing piece is just for me, but there may be some value in the future, who knows.

This piece won’t probably represent anything of value for anyone except myself.

I know this is something everyone, literally anyone who knows anything about Medium, suggests to avoid.

But I think I need to write down and make public what I am doing.

Writing here is like the side hustle of the side the side-hustle of my primary side-hustle. No kidding. But I will explain.

I am an engineering student and iOS developer (a freelancer, but I’m about to start my company with other people).

On the side, I have a print on demand business going (sort of, but it makes me around $1000 / month).
This year I also started making videos, something I wanted to do for a long time and created a course about getting started with print on demand.

And now I’m here, talking about how I am already doing too much stuff simultaneously, and I’d like to start another while I am also starting this.

The truth is that I don’t know what I want, and I think it’s too soon to make videos (I’m aware is just an excuse, so I’m setting here, right now, March as a deadline to start).

I think I know what I am doing.

I’m Italian, and I want to make videos in English, so I’m using it to get better at writing in English and get used to writing for an audience.

I want to make engineering projects, possibly not just shitty robots, but something that doesn’t stop at videos (this is where my job comes in).

It all ties together, I think. We’ll see.

2021 is just starting, and I feel like this has to be the year when I make stuff happen, when I start working really hard.

I want to publish one article every day, and since I only have another one ready, it’s a bad idea to start publishing it now.

But the real thing is, waiting doesn’t make anything happened.

